Think a lot about your wishes, because sometimes they really happen and when they happen, they happen more beautiful then you've expected. And when they happen, they twist your mind. If I could give more detalis(which i can not), i would say that it's about things you've wished for, and things that you have dreamed of with your eyes opened, the things that you've wanted for a reason. Why "be careful"? Because you have to be ready when they "came true", to be ready and be prepaired to enjoy the moments, because the things that happen are what you've "wished for".
"Twist youre mind" I say? Yes - "twist youre mind". The things that happen to you make you "float", makeyou think. Those are the things that make you happy, the things that you are thinking of, the things thatcount.
It's funny that sometimes life it's so unpredictable (not that i've really mean "funny", just that this the word that came to my mind). And this thing i am writing abour gives “color" to our lives, to the course of live. It gives a "color" - could be “black", "grey", "white"or could be one or more from the 19 billion (it is a supposal) colors that human cand "see"("sense").
"Color to our lives" - if i must describe this, probably I won't find my best words, but if you dont't try, you don't get what you want. So, if our life would be a notebook and our steps would be the paint and words that fill it, I would probably say that the color" is probablly theink which fills in the notebook.
"Color" I say? Yes - "color"! Well, what "color" do u see now? Hmm…Hard to tell... Is it "mauve"(mov in traducere) or is it "blue"? If you tell me an exact answer, i would probably say the other color, just for fun. But in reality, it doesen't matter what color it is, because, in fact, we see the same color, just that not all the colors are defined. Now, in real life, it does not matter how you call the ink from your notebook", all that matters it's that that you like the color.
When a dream(wish)['a little one'] comes true just live it and fill your notebook with the colour you like!