joi, decembrie 31, 2009

Change.Need to change

This is the post that comes after the change of my blog look. Actually this is just the start, but i prefer to say it's an end. Why did i do this? Well, there are a few reasons and a few explications and I will write them down.

De ce am ales sa imi schimb template-ul la blog? Pai, din mai multe motive, desiva spun eu ca nu e deloc usor. De multe ori am avut tentative (nereusite, bineinteles) si mereu mi-au dat batai de cap. In primul rand, nu ma mai incalzea, ma obisnuisem cu el, nu ma reprezenta(nu spun ca acesta e bine definit, insa e un mic inceput). In al doilea rand, aveam nevoie de o schimbare, pentru ca lucrurile incepusera sa mearga prost. Din cate vad eu, anul asta am postat mai putine articole decat anul trecut si, chiar si asa, sunt mai putin "calitative" decat cele din trecut. Asta inseamna un regres si poate e un moment in care o sa incep sa scriu si eu ceva cu adevarat util pe blog, pentru ca asa mi s-ar parea normal(acum cine stie ce inseamna normal)…

Am vrut o schimbare pentru ca era nevoie, o nevoie pe care o avem noi, oamenii, in general, nevoie de continua schimbare. Tin minte ce spunea un coleg: "nimic nu e mai constant decat schimbarea". Am efectuat acea schimbare, am luat putina atitudine si in curand o sa vreau sa imi fac ordine in blog (asta urmeaza). Desi sunt constient de faptul ca "un blog" nu spune asa multe lucruri despre tine, la fel cum spun "hainele", sunt sigur ca in ziua de azi ar trebui sa fim atenti pana si la “cat de stranse ne sunt sireturile", "cate gauri avem in buzunar", cu alte cuvinte la toate lucrurile, pana in maruntaiele si microscopia lor, pentru ca acum totulconteaza mai mult decat inainte. "Lumea evolueaza", deci ar trebui sa evoluam si noi, cel mai bine chiar inaintea ei, sau sa tinem pasul. Altfel, o sa ne trezim intr-o buna zi depasiti. Desi multe lucruri nu spun asa multe despre noi, in general, in viata nu "exista o a doua impresie"...

Desi mi-a luat destul de mult timp sa fac aceasta schimbare, sunt bucuros ca am facut-o. Eun inceput si e un lucru care ma incurajeaza. Faptul ca fac asta la sfarsit de an imi da incredere ca la anul o sa imi doresc cat mai multe lucruri. Spuneam in titlu "the need to change", pentru ca este o nevoie, a noastra, a fiecaruia, de a schimba, de a ne schimba, de a nu mai fi noi, de a trece la "thenext level", de a "avansa". Nu spun ca tot timpul reusim sa avansam, insa daca refuzi sa evoluezi si spui ca ti-e bine asa, e ca si cum ai fi boxeor, ai avea avantaj de 100 de puncte si ai lasa garda jos (primesti una in mecla, de s-ar putea sa numeri 100 de puncte de pe jos).

Dar ce mai conteaza? Azi mi-am schimbat si eu "freza".
Things do not change; we change!

luni, decembrie 14, 2009

Curiosity or will?

It’s strange…people change...or...people think diffrent in some conditions...people start to desire / hate things, not ordinary things, but special things, like the opposite ones...The desire and the hate are the extreme parts. I am asking why do people change their minds, or what are the resons that make people change their minds…

Why this question? "Curiosity"..."will"…? Well, things are quite simple: why do we want forbidden things sometimes? Forbiden like opposite, like dangerous, "hard" to earn, different and things like that…This is about options. This is about why we choose and what we choose…

People change. I change. You change. Hmmm...I like blondes and I like brunettes, but there is a time in life when you have to choose. What do you want: blond or brunette?
In most of the cases, you will make your mind and you will decide and you will choose...I don't know…the blond one...the brunete… It doesn't matter. What really matters is that you will choose...and you will be decided...and time will pass

But sometimes people start to change their mind or start thinking about the decisions they have made in the past…and start thinking about the right decision... and start wondering "what would it be if would had chosen the blond / brunette one instead"? And you wonderand wonder… Sometimes, if you have luck, you have the possibility to choose again. Maybe you will be curious, maybe you will want to change the blond / brunette one, maybe you will want what you don't have...or maybe…you will not know what to chose

So, what to choose? The blond or the brunette?

joi, august 20, 2009

Another piece of your humanity

"With every person that furks you up, you lose a piece of your humanity!" ©Belea2008...this is the title my friend begins his post with… and i am answering:
"With every person that furks you up, you lose a piece of your humanity and win another piece of humanity!"

I agree with the ideea, but i want to say what i think is wrong with it and I also want to give an answer to Belea2008’s question, "How many blows do you have to take until you lose ALL of your HUMANITY?” I think we can't do that. In my opinion, every person who "furks" you up takes away a piece of humanity and gives another piece of humanity. Among the things i've learned from cartoons this one countes: "in the battle between good and evil, it can't be any winner, just that good or evil takes another form". I think that the blue ideea can give an example about things you cannot lose...and humanity is one of them...

 In most of the situtations I am a "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" – beliver. And I amsaying that when somebody "furks" you, that person makes you stronger, makes you more experienced, but I ask myself: has ever anybody complained about having to much experience(too little humanity?)

About the changes that came upon you when somebody furks you, such as: doubt others indirectly after that, I say that that is a normal thing. I say that this is part of our self-defense system - if you touch something and it burns, the next time you will see that thing you will not touch it because you know it burns. But when it comes to people these things are quite interesting because you never know when a person burns. This a piece of the humanity.

What is interesting about the "furks" we receive is time(and implicit the change). It is absolutely unexpectable. This is an important factor: people change, people forget.When you forget, you receive the humanity you lost and with the humanity you've received, I think you're more human then you were before…(can be a possibility:P)) and when you change - and this happens frequently - you define you’re humanity.

Humanity is defined by all things that "surround" people

PS: you can replace the furks word with a similar, most used,word:D

marți, august 04, 2009

About players and about game

We become a better player only when we play with a better player then we are

This could be about games, about friends and about life. This is my fist post that is an answer to another post of one of my friends. His blog adress is here click me:P and it's the first blog that make my mind think (twice:P).  "Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about wine"©geo

When i say player, i say me, i say you and i reffer to the game we play, the level, the speed and the intensity we are playing with. I write about how important is for me to have a good player beside me, a player that helpes me, a player whom I help... Think about this: everyone knows wow to play chess, right? That game ruled and rules or, in a specific way, gouvernates our mind when we play it. Have you asked youreself when was the moment when you've learned to play the game, not only to learn the rules and learn how to move?

My answer is simple: only when I played with a player that was better than me. When i say better i do not say that he "beated me", i say that eighterthat he had qualityies that i had’t and he played parts of the game better then me, eighter that he was better then me and playing with him dragged me up slowly,eighter that he was way too better for me and that is the best player to play with!

I'm drinking a beer right now and i'm trying to stay tuned, but...

Do you want to play?

PS: I stole my friend’s ideea and i'll put you a song that is embedded below.Enjoy!

joi, iulie 30, 2009

The need to drag up, the need to be draged

Why isthere this need? I was thinking about people who dragged me up, and the people i dragged up. I was thinking...why don't I quit the people who drag me down (bassicaly, the people i drag up are the people who drag me down) and keep only tho people who drag me up?

And i was confused… Why? Is it a need or it's just coincidence? Anyway, i still have no sure answer, but an answer i've been thinking about sounds like this: "we need to be dragged, we need to drag up". Tell me - do you have people who drag you up? Do you have people who you drag down?

I think it is a yes, but speaking of this in a selfish way to, if you want to be a better and a smarter person, you have not to have something that drags you down, right? Maybe that is because you don't want to be the end, neither the start. Maybe it's because you need something above and something below you.

I apreciate people who dragged me up and i thank them… in my own way. And maybe the people whom I dragged up helped me find the people who dragged me up. Maybe this is the debt we had to payfor those people who helped us… maybe it's the need...what about if we get away with it?

luni, iulie 27, 2009

Expectations and trust

About trust… About expectations…
Monday morning, sunny day. I woke up too early, although sometimes I think I wake up to late…
Speaking of faith and trust, this post is about expectations and trust. It's about what we expect from our friends, our family, our partners, our jobor maybe it's about dissapointments.It's about how we have "great expectations" all the time and about the fact that we don't have trust in people i've written before about, although we care about that people.

People who don't see that they hurt other people by having to much expectations and to little faith, by having problems in accepting reality are making my subject now… and I ask myself, why? Why so little faith?
Why are some people blind, why do they hurt the people who care? I don't understand that, but i see it every day - in my life, in other lives… it's something that exists.

People have too much faith, too much faith that you will lose, too much faith that you will dissapoint them. They don't apreciate many things, they do not measure the expectations. I had too many expectations and i screwed up with them, because I wasn't able to see: people - they are how they are.
But i'll remember an ideea ..
Smart people trust children, displeased ones don't.

duminică, martie 22, 2009

Cutia si Ambalajul

Pfff… Ma uitam pe blog si am vazut ca nu am mai scris de mult, asa ca am spus ca e cazul sarevin.

Cutia si ambalajulsau ambalajul si cutia - nu stiu exact cu care sa incep, dar ideea de baza esteaspectul, care conteaza pentru mine, pentru tine, pentru toti.

“De ce conteaza asa mult aspectul?” ma intreb eu atunci cand ma duc la cumparaturi si analizez calitatea unui produs? Buna intrebare. Probabil pentru ca mie imi place sa cumpar ceva care are un aspect placut. De fapt, serios vorbind, vreau sa ma refer la oameni, la oamenii care te analizeaza dupa ambalaj, dupa haine, dupa aspect, despre oamenii care citesc eticheta si cei ce nu citesc eticheta produsului…

De ce conteaza ambalajul? Pentru ca spune ceva despre produs, pentru ca, in functie de ceea ce imi spune acel produc, decid daca il iau sau nu. Pentru ca spune ceva despre ambalajul pe care il pun oamenilor pe care ii vad si decid daca vreau sa ii tin aproape sau nu.

Dar daca analizez mai bine, imi dau seama ca oamenii judeca dupa aparente si ca oamenii sunt selectivi, ca oamenii aleg oamenii din jurul lor dupa ambalaj si nu dupa continut. Ii aleg pentru ceea ce par si culoarea(la propriu) pe care o imprima. Dar de ce ma gandesc eu la asta? Eu ma gandesc la selectia mea, si la ambalajele care imi plac si care ma atrag, la metodele mele de selectie.

Nu spun ca am avut o revelatie, nu spun ca am stat mult si m-am gandit, spun doar ca AMBALAJUL SI CUTIA ASCUND CEEA CE ESTE CU ADEVARAT INAUNTRUL CUTIEI si ca am uitat sa ne gandim la asta. Am uitat ca ceea ce conteaza este CONTINUTUL. Nu spun ca o sa ma schimb si ca radicalitatea o sa fie un cuvant de urmat, spun ca eu ca mi-am schimbat eticheta si ca azi dimineata, dupa ce am deschis geamul si am vazut ca o sa vina primavara, eticheta mea a prins un zambet,

un zambet pentru apropiatii mei!

sâmbătă, februarie 07, 2009

Despre simplitate

Sunt trei ani...trei ani de cand lucrul cel mai des intalnit atunci cand vorbesc de a pleca iti suna in minte. Si in minte iti suna asa:METROU, "un mijloc de transport in comun care…" - asa ar incepe definitia. Nici nu ma gandesc a da o definitie; pentru mine: metrou si punct.
Sunt trei ani de cand observ aproape in fiecare zi(dupa calculele mele 3.612 de zile) lumea din metrou. Nu fac din asta un obicei, nicidecum, insa mi se intampla ca in anumite situatii sa observ ceea ce se petrece in jur. Mi se intampla sa ma uit in jur la ceea ce se petrece, sa ma uit la fetele, la hainele si la aspectul ma gandesc, sa presupun, sa imi imaginez, sa cred , sa fac secenarii despre oameni, sa cred ca stiu multe despre ei. Mi se intampla sa cred ca o singura inspectie poate fi de ajuns sa cunosti o persoana, cand, in realitate, niciodata nu vei putea sa cunosti o persoana, oricat de mult timp ai avea.Insa eu cred si imi formez o parere despre fiecare si nu cred ca sunt singurul ce face asta, pana si tu o faci - daca nu la metrou, atunci in autobuz, daca nu in autobuz,atunci in gara, daca nu acolo, atunci… in fiecare zi.
Personal, imi place sa critic. Nu stiu de ce, insa cred ca fiecare din noi are o asemenea indeletnicire.Imi place sa imi dau cu parerea, fie ca stiu lucrurile respective(le-am experimentat), fie ca ma gandesc cum sunt (desi nu le-am experimentat). De fapt, mie imi place acelasi lucru ca si tie, insa eu il spun cu alte cuvinte.
Oricum, desi suntem diferiti, consider ca exista un lucru care ne uneste in acest caz: simplitatea, pentru ca atunci cand asteptam ca persoanele din jur sa ne inteleaga, cel mai simplu lucru e sa vorbim pe limba simplitatii. Si cum consider ca nu e suficient spus intelegere, spun ca oricat de capabili am fi si orice loc am ocupa inacest metrou, fie ca stam in picioare sau jos(suntem norocosi sau nu), fie ca stam in vagonul potrivit(e vorba de inteligenta), un lucru este sigur:suntem diferiti, insa simplitatea e comuna!
Sa presupunem ca metroul reprezinta orice loc la care poti sa te gandesti unde sunt oameni care interactioneaza si ca locul pe care il ocupi e unic. Insa atunci cand e vorba de prietenii tai/ cunostintele tale care alcatuiesc metroul si cand tu esti responsabil de ceea ce se intampla in jurul tau, cand tu trebuie sa ii faci sa comunice, sa interactioneze si sa ii indrumi, la asta eu spun ceea ce gandesc: spun ca ar trebui sa incepi de la simplitate. Spun doar ca atunci cand vreau sa comunic cu cineva si vreau sa ma fac inteles, simplitatea e un lucru de care trebuie sa tin cont, pentru ca oricat de placut este undiscurs de 23 de cuvinte, 53 de silabe si 20.345 secunde pana le rostesti in care spui multumesc, uneori este mai potrivit un calduros, sincer si simplu:multumesc!
Asa ca, oricat de mult mi-ar placea sa spun ca in cei trei ani de cand am invatat multe lucruri, am schimbat multe metrouri si directii, am invatat multe cuvinte si expresii si multe moduri de a spune multumesc, cred ca lucrul important este ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat, adica un simplumultumesc!...
Spun doar ca ar trebui sa tinem cont ca uitam de lucrurile simple ale vietii care ne aduc atata bucurie si satisfactie si complicam prea mult lucrurile, cuvintele si pe noi!

joi, ianuarie 29, 2009

Din politehnica

Se trezeste omul de dimineata si deschide televizorul. Se uita la numerele de la loto si ce ce crezi? A castigat. Se duce frumos omul, se imbraca cu cele mai frumoase haine si se duce frumos la serviciu. Vazand ca se plictiseste, se duce frumos,ia o coala de hartie si incepe sa scrie pe ea. Dupa 10 minute se duce la seful lui si ii spune:

-Aceasta este demisia mea! Consider ca in cei douazeci de ani de cand lucrez la aceasta firma am adus destule contributii

Seful lui:

-Nu am ce sa iti spun pentru ca stiu ca ai fost un om muncitor, insa ca rasplata pentru toata munca depusa de-alungul celor douazeci de ani de munca iti ofer 200.000 € pentru toata activitatea ta.

Zis si facut. Vine seful cu un cec in valore de 200.000 € si i-l inmaneaza. Ce sa mai spui, se duce omul frumos cu cei 200.000 € la reprezentanta BMW sa isi ia si el o masina. Se duce, se uita si vede un BMW, ultimul model, care costa exact 200.000 €. Il cumpara si in timp ce platea BMW-ul, vine seful de la reprezentanta si ii spune:

  • Pentru ca sunteti al 1.000.000-lea cumparator de la firma noastra,va oferim acest BMW gratis!

Zis si facut. Apoi se duce omul frumos la loteria nationala cu BMW-ul si cei 200.000 €, arata biletul si ce crezi - in 5 minute i-au fost adusi banii si o patrula care sa il escorteze pana acasa.

Ajunge omul acasa si se asaza frumosin curte pe un sezlong, cu un pahar de Whisky in mana si cu untrabuc cubanez in cealalta. Se uita pe strada si o vede pe sotia lui traversand. Si ce crezi - trece o betoniera si o calca, moment in care din curte se aude usor:

-Ce sa faci domne’, cand ai noroc, ai noroc pana la capat!

Nu spun ca am castigat la loto, nici ca m-am dus si mi-am dat demisia si nici ca am primit 200.000 €, ca am fost al 1.000.000-lea cumparator de BMW, in nici un caz…

Spuneam doar ce au patit cei ce au terminat politehnica..