sâmbătă, decembrie 13, 2008

Be careful with what you wish for...it may come true!

Think a lot about your wishes, because sometimes they really happen and when they happen, they happen more beautiful then you've expected. And when they happen, they twist your mind. If I could give more detalis(which i can not), i would say that it's about things you've wished for, and things that you have dreamed of with your eyes opened, the things that you've wanted for a reason. Why "be careful"? Because you have to be ready when they "came true", to be ready and be prepaired to enjoy the moments, because the things that happen are what you've "wished for"

 "Twist youre mind" I say? Yes - "twist youre mind". The things that happen to you make you "float", makeyou think. Those are the things that make you happy, the things that you are thinking of, the things thatcount. 

It's funny that sometimes life it's so unpredictable (not that i've really mean "funny", just that this the word that came to my mind). And this thing i am writing abour gives “color" to our lives, to the course of live. It gives a "color" - could be “black",  "grey""white"or could be one or more from the 19 billion (it is a supposal) colors that human cand "see"("sense")

"Color to our lives" - if i must describe this, probably I won't find my best words, but if you dont't try, you don't get what you want. So, if our life would be a notebook and our steps would be the paint and words that fill it, I would probably say that the color" is probablly theink which fills in the notebook

"Color" I say? Yes - "color"! Well, what "color" do u see now?     Hmm…Hard to tell... Is it "mauve"(mov in traducere) or is it "blue"? If you tell me an exact answer, i would probably say the other color, just for fun. But in reality, it doesen't matter what color it is, because, in fact, we see the same color, just that not all the colors are defined. Now, in real life, it does not matter how you call the ink from your notebook", all that matters it's that that you like the color.

When a dream(wish)['a little one'] comes true just live it and fill your notebook with the colour you like!

The power of a smile

duminică, octombrie 26, 2008

The power of a smile

This is about the things we forget -we forget to do, we forget that it matters and we forget to give. Is that difficult?

Maybe not, but in most of the times, all we give is headeaches and other stuff. We forget that a simple smile counts more then a gift (for some of us).

 I was asking myself why do I feel so good when I make a person smile, why do i feel so good when a person makes me smile, when i forget to think about my problems, when i'm happy.

Eh... me and my thoughts… It's about how some people forget that it's more important for you and your friends to give up the bad stuff and bring forward the things that come from your soul, like the smile, a simple smile.

There's allways something in the way, but this doesn't matter… I'm happy when i smile, I'm happy when I make people smile, I'm happy because I can make people smile, just like you, and I want to… it's just the thing named “smile". (Don't say that when you make her smile you're heart isn't rising like hell! Come on, don't say that her smile doesn't become yours) && (Don't say that when you are with your friends/family…).

The thing that is interesting in a smile is that it's a smile. It's fast, it's easy, it's… you name the thing. I just need it sometimes. It's the way i remember people - i think of their "smile". Eh..i was cought many times dreaming away and thinking about "za smile", where za is her, them, our, far away, mountain… Just a note: i like beeing cought...the radar proves that.

Well, sometimes it's not the way i want it, and sometimes i make people cry, that's another part of me, but…
If you don't make people smile, try again!

vineri, octombrie 03, 2008

Lectie de viata

O lectie de viata despre ceea ce pare si ceea ce nu e, despre ceea ce crezi si te inseli, despre increderea pe care o ai in "oamenii" din jurul tau si despre iadul care poate deveni paradisul in care crezi ca traiesti - aici trebuie sa recunosc canu e tocmai buna comparatia, insa vreau sa subliniez cum omul se poate schimba, defapt, cum omul isi schimba ideile si parerile si despre cum te afecteaza asta - o lectie de viata despre lucrurile pe care le-am crezut despre mine, despre abilitatile mele de a citi oamenii si despre "oamenii"pe care i-am crezut de incredere, “oamenii” pentru care as fi bagat mana in foc, despre "oamenii" aceia de care am fost orbit, despre circumstantele care m-au facut sa ii cred de incredere, despre lucrurile pe care le-am ignorat pana acum si dintr-o data mi-am dat seama ca nu sunt asa cum pareau. Ccum mi-am dat seama?

Ca sa vezi, ce ironie… Tocmai "oamenii" care mi-au insuflat incredere in cauza"oamenii" care m-au trimis in cauza"oamenii" care au luptat pentru cauza si care lupta inca, "oamenii" aceia, fara sa vrea, mi-au deschis ochii, ochii pe care eu ii aveam inchisi tocmai pentru ca "oamenii" acestia au insuflat prea multa incredere, pentru ca ii respectam si ii respect, pentru ca eu, prin cauza, ii vedeam pe acesti "oameni", nu vedeam intreg ansamblul cauzei sau poate eram orb, poate am vrut sa cresc sau poate...

Poate nu am curajul sa spun cauza. Poate nu vreau, poate e mai bine asa, eu insa tin sa le multumesc acelor "oameni" care mi-au insuflat cauza si care m-au facut constient de adevarata ei fata!

Legat de principiile pe care fiecare le incalcamereu, eh, se pare ca o desi stiu ce e cauza, o sa raman in ea:Dsi o sa mai trec mai des pe acasa, pentru ca tata imi spunea mereu ceea ce aveam eu sa descopar dupa multi ani.

Tineti-va prietenii aproape, si dusmanii si mai aproape.

joi, septembrie 18, 2008

David vs Goliat

Now, this is article doesn’t want to have a meaning, it's just… 

It's about faith, about courage, about you, it's about that things you see and you think you can't do, but you, it's about how you think, about the will, it's about how you know to rise above, it's about... 

It's about knowing the fact that you can "by pass" yourself, that you can do something great without knowing it, it's about challange, it's about how you know to play the game , the life. It's about the guts you have to be a David and confrunt a Goliat (Goliath in English). You can do whatever you want if you were a David. Most of the times, you don't confrunt Goliat, but in some cases,you must and this is the part where you ask youreself if you can

It'a about the things that you don't see in Goliat, besides power and greatness, besides the fear in you and besides your weak faith that is going down on you. It's about you, it's about things you can achieve and you dont want them, it's about standing, watching and confrunting Goliat with trust. It's about life. We are Davids who are confrunting Goliats. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose battles, but the war isallways won by Goliaths. 

For me, it's just another day, It's just the way I was and the way I am. Sometimes I need a Goliat to"beat", sometimes I know when to stop and when to play. Sometimes I stubbern myself and mess with a Goliatso big that I wonder myself if I'm crazy or unconsious. But I need to belive, I need to be a David. Either I win, either I lose, but I need to be a David although I know I won't win. I need to be a David who tries, I need to be a David who doesn't care about the Goliat’s size.. I want to be a David and confrunt Goliats, big ones. It's the way I am, either I lose, either I win. 
How many Goliats do you faced before knowing that you will certainly lose and still challanged them?

sâmbătă, septembrie 13, 2008

De ce dau sfaturi fumatorii?

De ce, atunci cand te apuci de fumat, fiecare fumator iti spune "FRATE LASA-TE"? Poate pentru ca stie, poate pentru ca intelege situatia si iti spune din experienta, poate iti spune ca nu e bine sa fumezi pentru ca devii dependent, ca nu e bine sa faci asta. Dar tu te intrebi doar de ce iti sa asculti un om care fumeaza de ce sa te iei dupa un om care nu are principii. Iti spui "uite cine vorbeste". Iti spui ca este un om care nu vede barnele din ochii lui dar vede paiele din ochii altora...

Daca esti mai critic, mai spui si ca nu au dreptul sa vorbeasca… Eehhh, fumatorii au dreptul si pot sa vorbeasca. Au marele avantaj ca au fost si ei odata nefumatori, ori fiind si pe o parte si pe alta a baricadei, eu cred ca pot avea o parere. Eu ii cred cand imi spun "frate lasa-te, lasa-te acum ca poti, nu te apuca”, dar aceleasi persoane imi dau cu placere o tigara daca le cer, aceleasi persoanr imi spun "hai la o tigara", iar aici sunt lucruri care se bat cap in cap.

De ce dau sfaturi fumatorii? Pentru ca pot sa dea sfaturi si cred ca lucrul acesta se poate generaliza pentru o multime de lucruri. Nu vreau sa ma leg deloc de avantaje/dezavantajele de a fi fumator. Pur si simplu, ma intreb de ce dau sfaturi fumatorii?

Eu, unul, sunt si fumator, sunt si nefumator. Cred ca daca ar fi sa fac o medie in ultimii 2 ani, un an am fumat si unul nu. Sunt si de o parte si de cealalta. Stiu cum e sa fumezi 2 pachete de tigari in 10 ore, dar stiu si cum e sa nu fumezi 6 luni si sa nu te tenteze o tigara. Stiu cum e sa iti doresti o tigara si cum e sa simti nevoia de a fuma, stiu si cum e sa nu ai asemenea nevoi. Nu pot spune ca sunt fumator, dar nici nefumator, insa acum simt nevoia sa fac o pauza.

Totusi, de ce dau sfaturi fumatorii?