Now, this is article doesn’t want to have a meaning, it's just…
It's about faith, about courage, about you, it's about that things you see and you think you can't do, but you, it's about how you think, about the will, it's about how you know to rise above, it's about...
It's about knowing the fact that you can "by pass" yourself, that you can do something great without knowing it, it's about challange, it's about how you know to play the game , the life. It's about the guts you have to be a David and confrunt a Goliat (Goliath in English). You can do whatever you want if you were a David. Most of the times, you don't confrunt Goliat, but in some cases,you must and this is the part where you ask youreself if you can.
It'a about the things that you don't see in Goliat, besides power and greatness, besides the fear in you and besides your weak faith that is going down on you. It's about you, it's about things you can achieve and you dont want them, it's about standing, watching and confrunting Goliat with trust. It's about life. We are Davids who are confrunting Goliats. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose battles, but the war isallways won by Goliaths.
For me, it's just another day, It's just the way I was and the way I am. Sometimes I need a Goliat to"beat", sometimes I know when to stop and when to play. Sometimes I stubbern myself and mess with a Goliatso big that I wonder myself if I'm crazy or unconsious. But I need to belive, I need to be a David. Either I win, either I lose, but I need to be a David although I know I won't win. I need to be a David who tries, I need to be a David who doesn't care about the Goliat’s size.. I want to be a David and confrunt Goliats, big ones. It's the way I am, either I lose, either I win.
How many Goliats do you faced before knowing that you will certainly lose and still challanged them?
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